CeBIT 2016


13 to 18 March in Hanover hosted the exhibition CeBit 2016. The company RCS besides the already well-known sensors Ultrasonic unveiled its new development and new sensor SIGMA and EPSILON EsH.



  sebit 2016

SIGMA - ultrasonic sensor propane-butane, which allows you to monitor the fuel without mechanical intervention in the fuel tank.

EPSILON EsH - modification of the flagship products of our EPSILON Es which has been added to the galvanic isolation, which increases the degree of spark-barrier. Also, the sensor is used instead of the rod string which allows you to measure the fuel level in the product, even the lowest quality

 Cebit 2016 RCS

Companies presented their developments in the field of computer security, artificial intelligence, three-dimensional printing, satellite navigation. The world's largest forum of computer and communication technology will last until March 18.

 CeBIT 2016 RCS

In accordance with the program of the event, the opening day addressed the European Commissioner for the digital economy and society Günther Oettinger (Günther Oettinger). In the evening, guests of the forum will welcome German Vice Chancellor Sigmar Gabriel (Sigmar Gabriel). German Chancellor Angela Merkel (Angela Merkel), which in previous years normally attend the official opening of CeBIT.




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